28 January 2009.

haha this blog died ):
anyways new blog people. whoopee.
redirect to http://dechirant.wordpress.com/ puhleeze

{ 6:08 PM }

/the dreamer.

Okay so, im writing my friend's about ME for HER. :) Her names shanna (poop), one of the randomest people you'll ever meet. She is really smartttt, really nice, and smiley. She pretty much looks like this 24/7 : :D haha no kidding. Hm, i've known her since the first day of Grade 9. She is a sainttt ;D && i've known her for 2 and a half years now and i've only seen her mad once,How crazy is that. What a happy child yes? Oh yes, shanna is 16. loves animals && shes good at sports. Just not as good as me. ;) hahahahah im kidding. One last thingggg, she likes this guy alot. Like alotalot. and i recon they look good together, kthxbai <3Jenna


i want this
the guy hahaha jaykay. a black bag. a pro cameraa. a nice dress. (red) ipod. swatch shading bow watch. vera wang princess. speakers for my zen. a new hair cut haha.

i've got this
God. nice family. awesome fwens. kinda new-ish phone. new (pink) earphones hehe. converse sneakers. adidas sports bag. pink/white striped bikini. VS romantic wish body splash.




// Enricay

// Fleurrr

// Gracee

// Izzy

// Jennerz


November 2008 December 2008 January 2009


Layout by BAKEDPOTATOE, with help from sm3no for the image and fonts, Print Dashed and Violation.